Nicotine = the devil

If I had remembered how it was coming off snus (I have a feeling you would have taken me a lot more serious if I'd said heroin or crack here, but anyway..) the first time, I never would have started again. This is a weird Swedish tobacco product thing that is as common in Sweden as smoking. You who are ignorant of this Swedish oddity, check the link above as I really can't be bothered to explain.

I gave it up around two years ago, and have only been doing it sporadically since, when a friend has offered or, I admit, when I've happened upon a Swedish stranger in possession of it when drunk. However this new years when Ida was over, I freeloaded of hers so much that when she left, I decided to order some for myself online. Bad, bad choice. Thanks to the very high nicotine levels, and that you basically do it non-stop, when I ran out after a week my body was craving for nicotine. I decided to not order any more and to use nicotine patches as an aid through the misery that ensued. They really do help, but only to a certain extent.

Because of this, and the irritable feeling that invariably surfaces in a cold turkey situation, I now often FEEL THE NEED TO INFLICT PAIN ON PEOPLE AROUND ME. Especially people working for London Transport. Or fellow commuters who smell bad, or listen to LOUD SHITTY music.

You also snack non stop. I've chosen carrots over cookies as my snack of choice due to the fact that I pretty soon will be spending two weeks wearing mainly a bikini (Brazil). And they're cheap. Although I'm starting to fear that I might be going orange...

Why do we decide to poison ourselves in this way?

Postat av: Ida

Åh, nej! Så illa alltså? Jag ska aldrig mer vara så generös igen..haha.. Puss!

2009-01-28 @ 23:49:10

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