Crash and burn

It's official, really, I even expected it. I've reached a bit of a low point after two weeks of constant stimulation and distraction. I'm sitting here staring vacantly into space trying to figure out what it's all about. Watching all of the (thousands!) of pics from New Years makes me feel exhausted, but I also want be back there again, with all those fab people (fab, fab, fab!) feeling nothing but love (love, love, love!) for my fellow men and women. It was such a good high. And I miss the nicotine (Swedish snus) Ida was feeding me with. (This is why I don't do drugs. I know an addictive personality when I see one...).

Oh well, I just have to get into the steady pace of normal life. Rest a bit, and then have another look at things with fresh eyes. I think I need to have something to focus on. A hobby perhaps? Or maybe i'll just read a book..

I made tomato soup tonight. It was pretty damn good if you ask me. Mr Italy agrees.

Night night


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