Yes boss

Today I am in a very bad mood. Partly because of the female curse, but mainly because of ridiculous instructions from one of our bosses regarding new regulations in the office. I won't bore you with the details, other than to say that MY FOOD DOESN'T SMELL, AND PLEASE DON'T TALK TO ME AS IF I WAS AN IDIOT. Instead I want to discuss the wider picture here.

In all my jobs here in London, me and my various co-workers have always been expected to smile to whoever is in charge, and politiely say, 'yes boss/sir/madame/miss', no matter how absurd their request, or how rude they have been. I am very aware that in Sweden, bosses can be equally ass-holic, but the overall attitude to people in your employment and other co-workers is a hell of a lot better. I think this is partly because in Sweden we're not that fussed with hierarchies: we don't have a tradition of keeping servants (or even cleaners!), and we don't have a habit of considering people inferior to you becasue of a difference in income or 'rank'. English and Angolan people (the ones I'm battling with here), are on the contrary often obsessed with hierarchy and giving and obeying orders. People are simply not equals.

I know that as an employer, you do pay the wages and has all the rights in the world to instruct your employees on how to behave and dress etc in the workplace. But for god's sake, do so with some reason and with some respect. And have a dialogue with people, instead of holding monologues. You're not bloody Shakespeare.

How I wish I could tell my boss this. And maybe I will when this credit crunch is over and I would actually be able to get another job after she fires me.

Have a lovely day

Postat av: ida

har du gått och blivit socialist på äldre dar? haha.. skämt åsido, i agree. vi ska vara tacksamma för att vi har ett bättre arbetsklimat i sverige. även om det inte alltid är great, läs det senaste inlägget på min blogg..haha..

hoppas kvällen blir bättre!


2008-10-16 @ 16:40:28

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