This might be a very bad idea..
Ok. Am not quite sure how to go about doing this, nor am I convinced this whole blog-thing is really my cup of tea. My good friend I (apparently one does not publish whole names in this online world of confession) suggested I start a blog, perhaps so that she can keep herself updated about my life the way I am about hers through her blog. Oh well, here I am, but now many questions arises, practical and other..
1. Do I write in Swedish or English? I have lived in London for four years now, and have spoken English more or less fluently for much longer. Also, if by any chance my friends here in London would want to read my clever words, English would be the more... social choice. But on the other hand, Swedish is and always will be my mother tongue. I do think that there is a part of me, cultural but also personal, that lives in my Swedish southern accent. I think I'll go for a Swenglish solution. I'll mix and match. Whatever suits my mood.
2. Which brings me to my second question. What will I fill this space with? Just by signing up I have essentially created something dedicated to ME. And I have never been that good at sharing too much about myself. But maybe it's easier to share here. You are after all more able to edit yourself here than in real life. I'm sure I'll think of something.
3. Who am I writing for? For myself? Or an unknown faceless person? Will my family read this? Or other people (read men) I don't want this close to me. There are a few. But I guess when writing your own blog, you don't really get to make that choice. I'm not going to publish my name here however. My friends who read it will know anyway, and for the rest of you.. you don't need it.
Many questions. If I last longer than a week at this, I'll give them some proper consideration.
Now, sleep. Oh, and the name of the blog, 'We the living', is the name of a novel by Ayn Rand. I'll speak about her some other time.
Sleep well.
first of all: i love that i'm your friend "i". very weird. like you're talking about yourself in a strange way. if you find it too confusing you can call me something else. come up with a fancy nickname of some kind. something about my good looks. oh, i don't know! or, you can do what the rest of us bloggers do. you link to my blog. that way you write "ida" and there's a link to my blog. that link will be so useless for all your english friends, but hey, so not my problem!
ok, and to address the questions above. my family doesn't read my blog - they don't know that it exists. i don't write about too personal stuff there, as you know, since you never know who will find his or her way to it.
i think this blog thing is an excellent idea! wonderful! i'll post a link to your blog on mine later today:)