Winter symptoms

Well, you know Christmas is approaching when Lidl starts selling santa-inspired chocolates (chokladtomtar)... Alternatively they're just trying to shift what got left over from last year before it expires. Before we know it Regent Street will be one massive ode to Disney, in the shape of Christmas lights of characters in the latest Disney flick.

But there are other signs that winter is coming. I can't stop eating satsumas (I have always for some reason associated the smell with this time of the year..), my lips get cracked in the cold, and I have started wearing my lambskin indoor slippers. Tea is never as good as it is now, and I feel very reluctant to leave the cosyness of my room. I went for a run through Victoria Park today, and amidst all the yellow trees and leaves on the ground, the pink roses were still blooming. Beautiful.

Ray LaMontagne is a perfect soundtrack at the moment. 

Tomorrow will be an interesting day in the office. I'll have to face Z who's coming in for a last meeting with our office managers. She's a colleague who just quit under not-so-nice circumstances, and whom I never really got along that well with. And after that the rest of us will have to buckle up for our own discussion with the management regarding some new policies imposed on us that we find less than acceptable. Hopefully I'll be able to report a satisfactory outcome.

Now eu must etudo meu portuguese homework.



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