This is where I have spent my day today. Urgh.
After J, L and me decided we should live it up large on our last night in Pipa things went a bit overboard. I don't ever remember consuming that much vodka before. I'm not bragging here, not at all. In fact, kids, you can take me as the perfect example of a anti-drinking campaign. We rolled in around six this morning, after much fun I should add, having to get up ca 3 hours later, pack and get in to the car to drive back to Natal. A car ride which is normally around 1.5 hours probably took twice that time. Unsettled stomachs does not mix well with bumpy Brasilian roads. And we had to make around 10 pit-stops for.. relieving ourselves. Our designated driver, C, couldn't have been more of a godsend. Bless his heart.
The best part was when I had to pop in the airport to change my ticket. Still amazing that they accepted to help me considering the way I must have smelled and looked.
ANYWAY, apart from all this moaning, Pipa was amazing. Didn't get to see any dolphins which was a pity, but I'll live. When I get back home I'll post a nice pic of it.
Now I have to go and li down again and prepare mentally for dinner.
Today we are going to Pipa, a beach just outside of Natal which is famous for it's sand dunes, and for the dolphins that come to swim with you. Apparently they have their local festival on tonight, so I guess we just have to buckle up for another one.
Oh, and I am not on friendly terms with American Airlines. They lost my luggage the bastards. Luckily I had a feeling that would happen so I packed all my essentials in my hand luggage. I am getting pretty tired of handwashing my knickers by now though....
Will try to update every few days. To be honest, it is so nice to be without anything electronic for once. No facebook, no email. Just sunshine and cocktails...
Ciao my dears
So here I am
I don't have the time or the patience to sit and write too much right now. Travel fever as we call it in Sweden. And I'm expecting a late-night visitor, which makes it even less easy to focus. And the wine I've had, that can have something to do with it as well...
I will do my very very best to write regularly with ideas on life and culture in Brazil. And on cocktails. And food. And people. And samba. And beaches. Oh, and we're going to swim with dolphins at Pipa, did I mention that?
What I'm trying to say, is that I won't miss London, that's all..
Ciao dearests
My oh my
Now only four more sleeps, and then we're off! We have quite a schedule when we're there. The first four days will be spent at various parties and the carnival in Salvador. After that we fly to Natal where her mother has arranged a small welcome barbecue for us (with just a mere 80 guests and a samba band playing..).
Will I miss London? I very much doubt that.
"Last night Michaela Aston, of the anti-abortion Christian charity LIFE, said: “We commend these teenagers for their courage in bringing their child into the world.
“At the same time this is symptomatic of the over-sexualisation of our youngsters and shows the policy of value-free sex education just isn’t working.""
The boy doesn't know how much nappies cost, and the church is commending them for bringing a child into the world? And somehow I seriously doubt that Christian preaching of abstinense would have averted this situation. It is quite clear that teenagers fuck just as much in a Christian environment, just with a load of guilt attached to it. I briefly discussed an article regarding this here.
The answer is not religion people! It's education! And a great big middle class.
Be careful what you wish for
The role of government
Despite what opinion one might have under normal circumstances, surely desperate times like these, call for desperate measures. Every morning one wakes up to news of more and more people losing their jobs (usually low-skilled). It feels more important than ever that the government invests money in the right places to prevent this trend from escalating. I don't want to think of it as charity, but rather as a kind of occupational first aid. But what do I know?
Anyway, only nine sleeps left in this cold bloody country before me and J pack our bikinis and havaianas and head off to Brazil. Can't belive that we're finally going after having waited since October when we booked the flights. AAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! That's my i'mscreamingbecausei'msohappyalthoughontheinsidebecausei'msittingatwork.
I have put 'Freedom' as the title of this entry because I just noticed that my old flame/lover/fling/friend (I have really no idea what word is more suitable) M have deleted me as his friend on Facebook. No idea when or why, but I find it oddly relieving. Just a bit naffed that I didn't do it myself first. But never mind. Forward is the way to go, after all. And I did learn a a lot from my experience with the poor devil.
Freedom and sort of a fresh (Facebook) start. Closure, some people call it. Perfect when you're on your way to Brazil. I've heard there are plenty of attractive men over there.
Enough rambling for today. Will return next time with something intelligent to say.
1. My dearest darling friend Daniela has started her very own blog. Wehey! I would like to take credit for getting her to start it, but if I did that,she'd probably tell me to f*ck off, so I won't. She's a literature-studying, wine-drinking, Bruce-loving gal, and more cynical than anyone I know, so her writing is bound to be brilliant.
2. E has together with some other fellas (not quite sure with whom, how or why) started this great news blog called Oresund Chronicle. They sit and scout the internet for interesting news to share, and well... share it. Their site is a great way to get info and articles from publications you don't normally frequent yourself.
That's all folks.
If you're bored
God is on Facebook
I really don't care. I just think it's really funny.
I had forgotten how utterly consumed I can become by a book. When you put down the book you have a vague feeling that it whatever world you just came out of is real. It must be. Feelings, characters creep under your skin. This is also why I can't watch horror movies. The strong emotions brought up by the terror get to me too much.
Damn. What will I fill my free time with now?
Transport is completely down so I have spent the day working from home. I went for a walk in Victoria Park this morning just so that I could enjoy the feeling of wading through snow, and to take some pictures. More for the sake of collecting evidence so I don't think that I was dreaming in a few days when this is bound to have melted away.